Dr. Virginia Armstrong

University Professor – Christian Advocate

Dr. Virginia Armstrong has had a distinguished career. 在中文博彩平台和休斯顿基督教大学教授政治学, 她为学生们带来了鲜活的宪法,并激励了无数学生欣赏犹太教和基督教的价值观,以及了解我们伟大国家建国原则的丰富性和深度的重要性.

Virginia was born on a college campus. 她的父亲是现在塔尔顿州立大学的院长和教务长,也是她的第一个家, provided to her parents by the college, was in the middle of the college campus. After her first grade, the family moved to Canyon, 她父亲在那里设计并指导了西德克萨斯州立大学的社会学课程. 那个校园成了弗吉尼亚和她儿时的朋友们的后院游乐场.

她的父亲和母亲都是虔诚的基督徒,在各自的社会学和历史领域都是基于圣经的教授和领袖, young Virginia’s life, from birth, 让她对现在这个国家的文化战争有了更深的理解. She was taught that a university is a unique place, 一个被上帝指定致力于发现和尊重他的真理的人, 高等教育作为这一真理的保管人,并将真理传递给后代,是神圣的要求.

During her public school years, she participated in piano, concert and marching band, debate and persuasive speaking, and basketball. She was in National Who’s Who, directed the senior play, edited the high school newspaper, and was president of the National Honor Society. She was also active in her church’s music program, 在唱诗班唱歌,必要时弹钢琴和弹管风琴.

维吉尼亚以优异的成绩从峡谷高中毕业,并以优异的成绩获得了西德克萨斯州立大学社会科学专业的学士学位(这是该校第一次颁发这样的荣誉学位)。. 在那里,她是Delta Zeta国家姐妹会的活跃成员.

她继续在拉伯克的研究生院学习. Upon the completion of her M.A.当HSU的新校长Dr. Elwin Skiles, hired her as Instructor of Political Science. Continuing graduate school, she excelled in her Ph.D. degree at Texas Tech.

Before arriving at HSU, 弗吉尼亚已经遇到了她一生的挚爱,并开始和他约会, Gerry Armstrong. 他们在峡谷的第一卫理公会教堂举行了婚礼,许多“峡谷人”认为这是他们那个时代的童话般的婚礼.

Gerry entered graduate school immediately, earning his M.B.A., 这使得他被哈佛大学聘为第一位真正专业的首席财务援助官.

Teaching from 1968 to 2002 at Hardin-Simmons, 弗吉尼亚以杰出的成绩担任法律研究和政治学主任和高级教授. Upon retirement, 阿姆斯特朗和丈夫一起成为了总裁和联合创始人, Gerry) of the Blackstone Institute. 她还担任鹰论坛法律和世界观项目的全国主任,并在HCA担任宪法护教学的副教授. 她在研究生院的教学重点是大学校园外的观众. 她还积极参与几项宪法/司法改革工作.

鹰论坛曾两次授予她国家服务奖. She received the Liberty Bell Award from the Abilene, Texas, 青年律师协会成员,曾入围德州自由钟奖, 除了赢得许多其他学术和专业荣誉.

Dr. 阿姆斯特朗设计并指导了新的“基督教面对文化倡议”(CCC)。.“CCC是一个由黑石研究所赞助的联盟, Houston Christian University, and the National Eagle Forum. CCC的长期目标是为美国爱国者提供必要的知识力量,以代表犹太-基督教世界观对抗文化.

In 2022, CCC在全州大学项目的基础上引入了布莱克斯通模拟法庭项目, which Dr. 阿姆斯特朗在哈佛大学期间领导了公司的创立,并于上世纪90年代初担任董事长.

For many years, she and Gerry, were active in Abilene Bible Church, where they served in numerous capacities. In a very sudden and stunning “life earthquake,2013年的感恩节,上帝把格里带回了天堂. 维吉尼亚现在是利特尔南浸信会的活跃成员. Anchored to her faith and her academic endeavors, Dr. Armstrong has and continues to lead a fulfilling life.

In recognition of her significant career accomplishments, 以及她在课堂内外对学生的积极影响, Hardin-Simmons University proudly inducts Dr. Virginia Armstrong into the HSU Hall of Leaders.